

Grounds for Termination of Employment

FAQ Serious misconduct; Willful disobedience; Gross and habitual neglect of duty; Fraud or breach of trust; Commission of a crime or offense; Installation of labor-saving devices; Redundancy; Retrenchment; Closure of the business Read This :   Labor Case by the Employee Some of these grounds require separation pays, to know more, send us an email at […]


Labor Case by the Employee

FAQ What are the grounds for an employee to file a labor case against his/her employer? Serious insult on the honor of the employee; Inhuman and unbearable treatment; Commission of a crime; Violation of the Labor Code. To know more, simply send us an email at Read This :   Grounds for termination of employment

Meeting Room

Tax Incentive in the Philippines

Tax Incentives: What to know? For businesses to avail of certain tax incentives, it may register with either the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) or the Board of Investments (BOI). In registering with either PEZA or BOI, the business may avail of 4 to 8 years of income tax holiday or a preferential tax rate […]